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The Land of Giants

The architects choi+shine received the 2010 boston society of architects award for unbuilt architecture for their unique project 'the land of giants'. 

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Mimosa is the graduation project by Sebastiaan Pijnappel about dividing space. He developed an intuitive, interactive space divider

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Ant Ballet

Ant Ballet is a 2-year investigation by Designer Ollie Palmer into the parallels between human and ant communication

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Improv Everywhere

Improv Everywhere is a New York City-based prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.

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Rémi Gaillard

Watch out, maybe you'll stumble upon a new 'Rémi Gaillard' upon entering the elevator.

View Rémi Gaillard


Starfield is an interactive installation from lab212 where a swing is used to create a large interactive starry sky.

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Do you have any clue how lemon, thyme and white chocolate sounds? Listen to the taste at science gallery's latest exhibtion EDIBLE at Dublin's science gallery.


Public is the new private

Interesting location based storytelling project in Berlin.

View Public is the new private

Noisolation Headphones

Alex Braidwood developed the noisolation headphones during his ongoing research into the relationship between people and the noise in densely populated environments. 

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Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain

Are you ready for a rollercoster ride? Ok, let's walk. Since 13th of November the large-scale sculpture "Tiger and Turtle - Magic Mountain" in Duisburg Wanheim (D) is accessible for the public.

View Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain

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